Friday, May 01, 2009

Google Trends On Health And Fitness

Sassy Water
Sassy water is a mixture of water with several ingredients which recipe comes from the website, and is part of the fat belly diet.

The ingredients are: 2 quarts of water; 12 mint leaves; 1 cucumber peeled and sliced thin; 1 tea spoon of grated ginger and 1 lemon sliced thin.

Fill up a container with 2 quarts of water, break off 12 mint leaves and place into water. Thoroughly wash the lemon rind, slice it very thin and add it to the water. Grate the ginger root on the fine section of your grater, add to the water and put the mixture in the refrigerator and let it get cold. Overnight is recommended.

For years we have heard that we need about eight glasses of water a day for adequate hydration. Both water and watery foods and vegetables have enormous health benefits. However, it is considered the most important benefit of proper hydration is how it helps to maintain your body proper fluid balance and guard against water retention. It also helps in the prevention of constipation.

Even though the eight glasses of water is a reference taken from “popular wisdom” , everyone´s fluid needs vary according individual activity. It is very important to acknowledge that all fluids like water and water packed foods count toward your overall fluid intake.

Sassy water is recommended by as part of their program called the Flat Belly Diet which they promote as a way to reduce belly bloat and to start flattening your stomach instantly. Sassy water and healthy foods are great components for reducing water retention, eliminating heavy solids and relieving gases to give you a healthy and more athletic look.

Sassy water, healthy exercise and shortcuts are ways for a healthier, slender and more action prepared body. Healthy living, do not have to separate you from your everyday activities. In fact healthy living is about learning to use your body and healthy eating for you to look and feel better.

Sassy water and health related searches in the search engines are a trend which give high ranks to an increasing interest in being healthier and slender with a great looking body.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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