Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Internet Infomercials and Billy Mays

Internet Infomercials

The word Infomercial is formed by combining the words information and commercial. They were TV programs with commercial content, and the Internet is the evergrowing arena for the infomercial business.

Billy Mays who left planet earth recently gave Infomercials as TV programs with commercial content, new life and recognition in the Marketing industry. With his distinctive grin and booming voice, he gave life to infomercials. He did not make it to his 50th birthday but left us a legacy of hard work and achievement we will miss on our TV screens.

Infomercials still have the look, feel, and length of real TV programs and often imitate the format of genuine talk shows or investigative consumer news programs.

As broad band Internet connections are more `popular, Online Commercials and Internet commercials are changing the way you surf on the Internet marketplace. More than 120 millions homes around the globe access the Internet using broad band connections
By using Internet Infomercials, you harness the phenomenally powerful combination of video--the most effective selling medium there is--with the Internet, the greatest communication tool ever invented AND the proven "infomercial formula" that has generated over $100 BILLION dollars in sales.

Internet Infomercials are 3 to 5 minutes content rich video presentations with the purpose of turning visitor to your website into buyers. It is the use of technology to sell technology.

Internet Infomercials are working 24 hours a day for you to increase your sales. As the equipment to produce video presentations on the web are easy to get and low cost, it is very affordable to use video presentations in front of Millions of Internet users who are ready to embark in a new learning experience on the Internet.

Recently we have seen hundreds of e-books, consulting services and other tools explaining the basics of copy writing and direct marketing techniques on how to use infomercials on the Internet.

Today, we live in a multi-media age: Ipod videos, cell phones, DVDs, video mails. Web video is the new “killer” application. Online video’s quality is improving by the moment, and growing at a phenomenal rate.

I might bet YOU have considered producing your own video presentations, but have dropped the idea because YOU believe it is too technical or expensive.

In fact, there are solutions that will let YOU have all the knowledge to produce your videos in four hours or less, with equipment you are using already like your PC, your web cam and the information to store your videos without losing space in YOUR hard drive.

Full featured presentations are at your finger tips for YOU to use without breaking the bank. Go ahead, learn more about infomercials and live YOUR great experience of being a real expert in video infomercials on the Internet. Besides the information, YOU only need equipment you might be using already. Become a communications expert in no time and a very low cost.

Jose Damaso Ramon
