Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Let Us Build Our Master Mind Group - MasterListBuilder.TV

Let Us Build Our Master Mind Group - MasterListBuilder.TV

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grab Your Easy Video Producer

As an internet marketer I am interested in keeping up with
new ideas and trends in internet marketing. Since I have
been on the internet for a long time doing things like
creating my own internet city, website promotion, making
money on the internet, I have seen the internet change by
leaps and bounds.Link

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Internet Infomercials and Billy Mays

Internet Infomercials

The word Infomercial is formed by combining the words information and commercial. They were TV programs with commercial content, and the Internet is the evergrowing arena for the infomercial business.

Billy Mays who left planet earth recently gave Infomercials as TV programs with commercial content, new life and recognition in the Marketing industry. With his distinctive grin and booming voice, he gave life to infomercials. He did not make it to his 50th birthday but left us a legacy of hard work and achievement we will miss on our TV screens.

Infomercials still have the look, feel, and length of real TV programs and often imitate the format of genuine talk shows or investigative consumer news programs.

As broad band Internet connections are more `popular, Online Commercials and Internet commercials are changing the way you surf on the Internet marketplace. More than 120 millions homes around the globe access the Internet using broad band connections
By using Internet Infomercials, you harness the phenomenally powerful combination of video--the most effective selling medium there is--with the Internet, the greatest communication tool ever invented AND the proven "infomercial formula" that has generated over $100 BILLION dollars in sales.

Internet Infomercials are 3 to 5 minutes content rich video presentations with the purpose of turning visitor to your website into buyers. It is the use of technology to sell technology.

Internet Infomercials are working 24 hours a day for you to increase your sales. As the equipment to produce video presentations on the web are easy to get and low cost, it is very affordable to use video presentations in front of Millions of Internet users who are ready to embark in a new learning experience on the Internet.

Recently we have seen hundreds of e-books, consulting services and other tools explaining the basics of copy writing and direct marketing techniques on how to use infomercials on the Internet.

Today, we live in a multi-media age: Ipod videos, cell phones, DVDs, video mails. Web video is the new “killer” application. Online video’s quality is improving by the moment, and growing at a phenomenal rate.

I might bet YOU have considered producing your own video presentations, but have dropped the idea because YOU believe it is too technical or expensive.

In fact, there are solutions that will let YOU have all the knowledge to produce your videos in four hours or less, with equipment you are using already like your PC, your web cam and the information to store your videos without losing space in YOUR hard drive.

Full featured presentations are at your finger tips for YOU to use without breaking the bank. Go ahead, learn more about infomercials and live YOUR great experience of being a real expert in video infomercials on the Internet. Besides the information, YOU only need equipment you might be using already. Become a communications expert in no time and a very low cost.

Jose Damaso Ramon


Friday, May 29, 2009

Success Is Energy And Taking Action

Peanut Butter Wonders And Success

Is there anything to do between peanut butter and success? In fact, Anthony Robbins, one of the leading self help gurus once wrote about food and energy and how they build the emotional power behind our craving for a better life style.

Peanut butter and chocolate brownies with peanuts are great to improve our energy levels and improve our way of dealing with our every day activities. Statistics show that Americans eat three pounds of peanuts per person per year. Those delicious Brownies we love are a combination of peanuts and peanut butter with chocolate and are great company when we need energy but a full meal is not at hand.

Winter weather is an awesome excuse to enjoy delicious brownies with peanut butter and chocolate as they help increase the calorie intake and the fatty healthy acids which protects us against cold climate and keep us energized and active.

As success is action driven peanuts and chocolate brownies are great help when a full meal is not at hand.

As per Carl Jung one of the most known 19th century psychiatrist, associated transformation and motion with emotion. And behind motion and emotion there is energy. So when we go to California´s Dysneyworld or any amusement park in the world we love brownies and other energy producing foods, because they fuel the emotion of enjoying every activity or attraction we find there. And that again means we need lots of energy driven emotions.

For success we need to learn the correct way of using our emotions and creative positive emotions are highly energy powered. For every thing to work in our life we have to learn how to use creatively our emotions. And success is about achievement and enjoying life at its best.

Here we refer to amusement parks, because these are places where positive emotions work for us to enjoy these experiences of letting the kids in us to manifest all the energy and enthusiasm that power those great moments we share with family and friends.

Lip smacking treats at Disneyland are part of the amusement.
Megan McArthur, chief robotics officer for NASA, is reported as asking for chocolate and peanuts and even considering “changing flights” if her menu did not include chocolate and peanuts.

Is it surprising? Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter were peanut farmers who became USA presidents. Success in fact is emotion powered and highly energy driven.
As per Anthony Robins those emotions considered as negative are no other than calls to action and most of the time negative emotions are associated to low energy levels. Most people problems with achievement, are nothing else but lack of action, due to low energy levels. Emotions in fact are heaven gifts for us to chance and for us to achieve our dreams.

And if Mr Carter was a peanut farmer, Mr Reagan had his jelly beans. Mr Reagan an actor and recognized president of the USA was a very energetic individual. There are some people who claim that Mr Reagan began eating his jelly beans in the 60´s when he decided to stop smoking, in fact, a very positive change. When he was elected president in 1980, Mr Reagan is reported saying “There will be jelly beans in the White House, that´s all I can say”

Chocolate, flavor and love are closely related because love is a highly emotional and energetic activity. Success is also related to emotions and flavor. And there is something interesting and positive about chocolate and flavor and that is finding how we can relate the chemical elements of food to help fuel the highly energetic activities that takes us to action.

Peanut butter truffles are healthy alternatives to healthy fruits intakes, because they are both energy enhancers that help to keep us healthy as they are high on antioxidants which help eliminate the free radicals considered a negative byproduct of body combustion.

University of Florida food scientists have found that peanuts are high on antioxidants, competing with fruits which are known to have the highest levels of antioxidants like strawberries which have been reported as been one of the best antioxidant sources available.

Peanuts are in fact, a food known as far away in time as the year 930 BCE. Ancient Incas consumed peanuts and made a paste like, high protein substance from it. In the 1890s it is reported a physician used a peanut high protein paste to feed his patients who could not chew. And a friend of this doctor who owned a food processing plant used this “nut butter” as a commercial product which was a great success almost immediately. In fact, Americans spend more than 800 million per years to enjoy and energize our life.

Health, love and success are enhanced by high energy levels and chocolate and peanut butter are high as alternatives for us to be active, energized and ready to take action. Something we find in successful people is that they are highly action oriented. So, to succeed we have to be healthy, energetic and ready to take action.

Jose Damaso Ramon

Friday, May 01, 2009

Google Trends On Health And Fitness

Sassy Water
Sassy water is a mixture of water with several ingredients which recipe comes from the prevention.com website, and is part of the fat belly diet.

The ingredients are: 2 quarts of water; 12 mint leaves; 1 cucumber peeled and sliced thin; 1 tea spoon of grated ginger and 1 lemon sliced thin.

Fill up a container with 2 quarts of water, break off 12 mint leaves and place into water. Thoroughly wash the lemon rind, slice it very thin and add it to the water. Grate the ginger root on the fine section of your grater, add to the water and put the mixture in the refrigerator and let it get cold. Overnight is recommended.

For years we have heard that we need about eight glasses of water a day for adequate hydration. Both water and watery foods and vegetables have enormous health benefits. However, it is considered the most important benefit of proper hydration is how it helps to maintain your body proper fluid balance and guard against water retention. It also helps in the prevention of constipation.

Even though the eight glasses of water is a reference taken from “popular wisdom” , everyone´s fluid needs vary according individual activity. It is very important to acknowledge that all fluids like water and water packed foods count toward your overall fluid intake.

Sassy water is recommended by prevention.com as part of their program called the Flat Belly Diet which they promote as a way to reduce belly bloat and to start flattening your stomach instantly. Sassy water and healthy foods are great components for reducing water retention, eliminating heavy solids and relieving gases to give you a healthy and more athletic look.

Sassy water, healthy exercise and prevention.com shortcuts are ways for a healthier, slender and more action prepared body. Healthy living, do not have to separate you from your everyday activities. In fact healthy living is about learning to use your body and healthy eating for you to look and feel better.

Sassy water and health related searches in the search engines are a trend which give high ranks to an increasing interest in being healthier and slender with a great looking body.

Jose Damaso Ramon

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Interactive Web 2 Communication

2 Way Communication And The Internet

Our websites are like our property in the world wide web.

Is there a way to find those weird named web properties that rank so high in the Search Engines?

Answering this pressing need to find those sites that rank so high in Yahoo, Google and MSN, is not an easy task. Something interesting about these sites is that every one of them belongs to a very unique way of providing information and most of all every one of them provides interactivity or 2 way communications between users and the site itself.

Most of them allow users to comment on the content of the site, they have sound, videos, photos and the comments of many users who have been there before.

These sites are what we call web 2 sites. There are great communities like Facebook, MySpace, Ning, YouTube and more, which main trait is that users interact with each other, they have a say on what others users are doing or talking about. Nowadays, being online is a great experience.

It is like joining a community of people of all walks of life who are looking for interesting things to do, build business and share feelings, passions, knowledge, experiences. The Internet community is like a huge ball room where every one is trying to join the people who enjoy the same or similar music styles.

Our wants, wishes, dreams, experiences are the first step. There is a question we want to have answers for. We go to a search engine and ask for information on the topic we are interested in. From there we find multiple possibilities. Even, millions. Then we focus our attention to find groups or communities whose members are working or have the same purpose that brought us online.

At first we join groups. When the Internet became a world communication and interrelated community there is a new social system where every thing is possible: business, dating, hobbies, crafts, friendship and more, when we join these social communities. Besides your likes, you enjoy videos, then you have YouTube, you are interested in movies then you have Flixter, you want to be in contact with friends, business associates and more, then you have Twitter.

Using 140 characters messages we let every one know what we are doing or what our immediate interest is. We want to talk online around the world we have Skype. We love sharing photos, we have Flickr.com When going web 2 your imagination has no limits.

This interactivity is called web 2 or Social Networking. Ning, for example is a place where we can join or create the communities that best suit our taste and or interest. Here at NING we find hundreds, thousands of Social Networks.

Ning communities sites allow we choose for the brand and design of our site, the profile of the people we want to join, the activities and or interest we want to share or talk about, decide what communities we want to keep in contact with. Share photos, videos, messages, create our blogs, create our own chat box, we have one click integration with Facebook, we can enable our own groups with photos membership comments, events and more.

Here is a Unique system to express our innermost passions, hidden talents, and all of things that we would want to spend our life doing. Who has influenced us in life the most? Who do we aspire to be? How do we want to be remembered, after we are long gone? Let us identify the top professional thing that we want others to associate us with.

Whatever the reason we are online, NING give us the opportunity to join or create the community which is more appropriate for our purpose. I am here for friendship and business.

In the internet, I found a resource center that contains thousands of highly powerful inspirational and motivational materials --- books, videos, audios, and modules, that are now uplifting and empowering my life, career, and relationships on a daily basis.

Online we measure our impact by our rankings in Search Engines. Search engine rankings are extremely important for a successful Internet marketing campaign and for our social standing. For business we must secure high rankings.

Before we go out and hire a search engine optimization company, try taking some simple steps, and see if you can't boost your rankings yourself. Don't ever ignore this all-important factor in Internet marketing. Remember, the higher our search engine ranking, the more quality customers will be directed our way.

Something great about Social Networks is that Search Engines love Social Networks sites. So, besides being an awesome means when we share our interests, inclinations, expertise and friendship building abilities, Social Networks deliver high rankings on the Search Engines.

You might remember why people are coming to the Internet: They are looking for INFORMATION. When we rank high on Search Engines, we have the opportunity to be seen by those who want to know something about something. So, if we have the information people are looking for and we rank high on Search Engines, then we have to have great information with great content and a compelling message for people to think we are the answer they are looking for.

When we use high traffic Social Networks like Facebook, Ning, MySpace and we have the appropriate message and the products and services needed to help people achieve their dreams, then we are on our way to success.

Let us build good relations with recognized people in our communities, link to interesting sites in our area of interest, learn and share our knowledge, help as many people as we can and become a real authority in our group or community.

When we join these high ranking interrelated sites we get in contact with real people who are online to learn and share their knowledge or expertise, to let us know their achievements, success stories, or just how they have solved a household or everyday situation. And most interesting we can do all these in real time, instantly.

Join me on Twitter and post your comments here and be part of the web 2 era. The communication age is here and everyone of us can participate. Let Social Networks be part of our life. There is a blog, community or group for us to share our thoughts, feelings, hobbies, or whatever interest us.

Jose Damaso Ramon